For some people, hiking with a pack and weight can be a difficult task to overcome. At Recruiting Station Chicago, hiking can be used to determine the strengths, weakness and drive in potential applicants.

Recently the command took the poolees on a 6-mile hike.  There were many who struggled to stay in the fight; as a result I decided to write a few things on what could have been done better.

  1. 1.       Clothing. Some showed up in extremely inappropriate clothing for a hike. Once you are a Marine, you won’t have the problem of picking out what to wear. In the meantime though, you can use these few tips as a guideline to assist you on your next hike.
    1. a.       Wear clothing that fits comfortably, but not baggy.
    2. b.      Make sure it has ventilation and isn’t going to be too hot.
    3. c.       Dress in layers.
    4. d.      Wear appropriate shoes. An ill-fitting shoe can really put a damper on the distance you wish to achieve and can even cause painful blisters.
  2. 2.       Hydrate. Drink plenty of water the days leading up to your hike, as well as during the hike. This is a good tip even when it is cold outside because you still lose water.
  3. 3.       Attitude. As cliché as it may seem, attitude has a lot to do with you making it to the finish. Start positive and finish positive.
  4. 4.       Conditioning. The best way to get better is to condition yourself as much as possible. A simple way to condition yourself on an everyday basis is to carry all your books in your backpack every day.
  5. 5.       Distance. Stay as close as you can to the person in front of you so you are not playing catch up the entire time. The slinky effect that is caused by falling back and running to get back doesn’t just effect you, it effects everyone behind you.
  6. 6.       Never give up. If you fall behind on a hike, don’t stop unless you are seriously injured. Showing that you have the determination to finish, even if it’s alone, shows a lot about your character.