Hair techniques every female poolee should know

Some girls find a lot of satisfaction in doing their hair, especially on a night out in the town. However, long curly waves in the Marine Corps doesn’t fly until leave and liberty is commenced. Believe it or not, this leaves much stress and despair on female Marines in the morning. Take these few tips to go into boot camp with one foot in the door and leave the “pain in the bun” home when you go.


It’s exactly that. Ever wonder how people get those perfect circles on their head? Well stop looking up and look down at your feet. Take off your sock (a tube sock, in the Marines we call them boot socks. For those of you who use this method will probably where more of them in your hair then you will on your feet) and grab a pair of scissors. Here is your first lesson on fixing your hair.

1. Roll a tube sock all the way from the top to bottom. Depending on the amount of hair you have will determine how big the sock will need to be. This takes a little trial and error, but once you figure out what works for you will have it down part forever.

2. Cut the end off to create an opening in the center.

3. Put your hair in a mid-low pony tail.

4. Place the sock over your pony tail as you would a hair tie.

5. Flip your head so you are looking at the floor and distribute your hair evenly over the sock to cover it completely. Secure it with another hair tie around it.

6. Take the excess hair and wrap it around the bun and secure with pins.



1. If your hair is long enough, put it in a mid-low pony tail.

2. Separate it into two or more pieces and wrap it around your pony tail. Secure with hair tie or pin.

3. Repeat step 2 until all your pieces have been wrapped around and have created a bun.



1. Put your hair in a mid-low pony tail.

2. Braid your hair.

3. Wrap it around and secure with hair tie.

*you can make more than one braid and wrap them around each other like the twist.



It is never recommended by me to go get your haircut before boot camp. If you do, it must remain above the collar at all times. They will make you get your hair cut at boot camp to keep the trend and won’t allow you to grow it out while you were there. Do yourself a favor. Grow your hair out and wear a bun until you hit the fleet and have time to style it.

Finally, regardless of what method you use, apply enough gel and hairspray to keep it in tact. You will pay for fly aways. Lastly for your own comfort, don’t put your hair up too tight. It causes headaches and these ugly painful red bumps on the bottom of your scalp. One more thing, you should NEVER be able to see your hair ties or pins. They must be hidden at all times.